Mosharaf Hossain
Bangladesh Supreme Court
(Appellate Division and High Court Division)
Bangladesh Fiscal law & Associates Ltd.
Bangladesh Supreme Court
(Appellate Division and High Court Division)
Bangladesh Fiscal law & Associates Ltd.
30 years experience on fiscal law having thorough expertise on Income Tax, Value Added Tax(VAT), Customs and all other Taxes, Companies Act, Banking Companies Act, Securities and Stock market, Incorporation of foreigners companies, Incorporation of all other domestic companies, Merger and Take over, company dissolution, Telecommunication Laws, admiralty suit, Port user right and port duties related statues, income tax, customs & value added tax (VAT) Appeal Forum and Appellate Tribunal Forum, Foreign Investment, Conveyance settlement of Industry, Establishment of Industry, Arbitration etc.
Supreme Court of Bangladesh, High Court Division & Appellate Division, Customs & VAT (Value added Tax) Appellate Tribunal, Taxes Appellate Tribunal, Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Tribunal, Special Tribunal, Administrative Adjudication forum, Customs, Tax and Value added tax Appeal forum, Quasi Judicial forum, Arbitral Tribunal etc.